We watched as the esteemed actors Pun'isher and Measle did an act, and I have to say, this is one production not to be missed! The costumes! The lines! The beer! I was moved to tears, and I hereby implore all Exiles to catch these immortal talents do their thing. Salazar and Fishylish are in the play too, and we all know their awesomeness hath no end.
In their own words:
Puddleby Players will shortly stage their most ambitious play yet on Tuesday June 2nd at 7pm PST. It has the largest cast ever assembled and has some gimmicks that will astound anyone lucky enough to be in the audience.
(Pictures and updates here!)
Alright. so we were right there, with all those cool costumes. We HAD to try some out. It went terribly wrong...
Trowl got a chance to reveal his true self, which shud come as no big surprise.

I should add, Pun'isher tried to sell "hot Bunny on Spriggin action" for 5 coins. I'm surprised we didn't get run down!
The bunny would have never gone for the sprggin! Spriggins are eeeeeeeeevil and annoying!