After hearing about the concept of Flashfried Thoom ("Crispy on the outside, screaming on the inside" I believe was how Ackkbar described the phenomena) I'm all about Thoom though. Can't wait to sink my fangs into some.
There are some new Exiles around - even newer than myself I mean - which is very exciting, I hope they'll stick around.
Training wise - it goes as good as can be expected; I rounded 100 Atkus lessons a while back and am currently checking for the 150 mark - that and 100 with Histia is eagerly awaited. I hope I'm not a disappointment to my teacher, Natas; he looks pretty fierce.
Oh, good news! It seems a Shiny Dagger might be within reach!
I have gotten a commission for a Very Important Portrait, and if I manage to pull that off, my tagging will be sensational. Word is the dagger in question is lycky, even! Wow. I'm really excited about this, but sceptical of my portraiting skillz; wee shall see. (A veteran of the lands told me a Shiny would be a waste of money, but I do tag SO much better when I borrow one, and I'm sure I can pawn it off on some healer when I grow out of it.)
If it falls thru I'll be shopping for ores; 1 iron, 1 tin and 1 gold - plus whatever is needed to fix a dented shield I'm lycky enough to borrow (I think). Prince Valiant lost an iron ore on his way to the library the other day, but a kind dorf needed it for his armour. I think those little guys need whatever protection they can get; not their fault they're not Fen.

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