Sunday, May 31, 2009

Growing pains and merry occasions

I think I must've reached the Exile equivalent to puberty. The other day I slaughtered a Large Vermin, and today an Orga! If this trend continues I might have to rename my scroll to.. FeralFury? OrgaOrgy?
I am still training dutifully, but due to an early infatuation with Atkus and Swengus my Hista knowledge is still lagging.

Of other noteworthy occasions - I had my very first Tuborn lesson! Such wonders the Bards do. I hope to be counted among their ranks one day!

An old friend from other hunting grounds have been Exiled! I'm sad for her demise, but selfishly happy for her company. Puddlebeans, take care, she's a natural born stabber!
(Of course she falls like a pro already.)

During the same sight-seeing excursion another piece of news was revealed - it seems our little community can look foreward to the pitter patter of little paws! Cammie insists she's not gonna be an OctoFen. We'll see. Let's just say we can all hope they'll look like their momma!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Get yer fuzzies!

Whoah check out Aryton, handsome Fen; and what fashion sense!

Also note I provide hugs with my sword drawn. Beware :D

Some TRAP news

Iriel gets rejected

Serves me right for hitting on a Zo..

Sneak preview and roleplay gone bad

Always looking for excitement the three adventurers Trowl, Ackkbar and myself were thrilled to no end to accidentally crash teh dress rehearsal of The Puddleby Players' upcoming performance The Wizard of uh, Simpleton(?)

We watched as the esteemed actors Pun'isher and Measle did an act, and I have to say, this is one production not to be missed! The costumes! The lines! The beer! I was moved to tears, and I hereby implore all Exiles to catch these immortal talents do their thing. Salazar and Fishylish are in the play too, and we all know their awesomeness hath no end.

In their own words:
Puddleby Players will shortly stage their most ambitious play yet on Tuesday June 2nd at 7pm PST. It has the largest cast ever assembled and has some gimmicks that will astound anyone lucky enough to be in the audience.
(Pictures and updates here!)

Alright. so we were right there, with all those cool costumes. We HAD to try some out. It went terribly wrong...

Trowl got a chance to reveal his true self, which shud come as no big surprise.

And then the roleplaying got a bit out of hand so to say.

But beastiality turned out to have some surprise benefits; who knew!

I should add, Pun'isher tried to sell "hot Bunny on Spriggin action" for 5 coins. I'm surprised we didn't get run down!

TRAPping in C minor

Oh dear, my self portrait made it to center fold over at! I knew I shudda shown more leg :/ Speaking of; Nuniel is the cover of the current issue - not shabby for a Sylvan!
After hearing about the concept of Flashfried Thoom ("Crispy on the outside, screaming on the inside" I believe was how Ackkbar described the phenomena) I'm all about Thoom though. Can't wait to sink my fangs into some.

There are some new Exiles around - even newer than myself I mean - which is very exciting, I hope they'll stick around.

Training wise - it goes as good as can be expected; I rounded 100 Atkus lessons a while back and am currently checking for the 150 mark - that and 100 with Histia is eagerly awaited. I hope I'm not a disappointment to my teacher, Natas; he looks pretty fierce.

Oh, good news! It seems a Shiny Dagger might be within reach!
I have gotten a commission for a Very Important Portrait, and if I manage to pull that off, my tagging will be sensational. Word is the dagger in question is lycky, even! Wow. I'm really excited about this, but sceptical of my portraiting skillz; wee shall see. (A veteran of the lands told me a Shiny would be a waste of money, but I do tag SO much better when I borrow one, and I'm sure I can pawn it off on some healer when I grow out of it.)
If it falls thru I'll be shopping for ores; 1 iron, 1 tin and 1 gold - plus whatever is needed to fix a dented shield I'm lycky enough to borrow (I think). Prince Valiant lost an iron ore on his way to the library the other day, but a kind dorf needed it for his armour. I think those little guys need whatever protection they can get; not their fault they're not Fen.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009